Face it Chaga-Berry is the Bomb!

I Need Chaga-Berry Day Cream Man!

The Chaga-Berry formula is the pinnacle in skincare, we believe this is the finest day cream in the industry and guess what? We want everyone to have it! We have made it affordable unlike the trend in the industry that charges hundreds of dollars per ounce. We firmly believe it is the finest quality moisturizer on the market. When you buy our Chaga-Berry Day Cream, you’re spending your hard earned money on two years of development and its miraculous ability to absorb into your skin is unmatched! You WILL see great changes in your skin.


Chaga-Berry contains the highest level of antioxidants that protect skin against environmental damage and provides continuous  support with the skin’s natural defense system and improves repair capabilities. This  lightweight marvel is hand crafted to smooth the complexion while reducing the appearance of wrinkles and discoloration. This is THE essential for your skin’s maintenance while delivering soft, healthy, glowing results.

Why it is so SPECIAL?

Our Red Raspberry Seed Oil is cold pressed virgin oil and contains a high 83% of Essential Fatty Acids or EFA’s, the most abundant of which are linoleic, alpha linolenic, and oleic acids. The composition of these omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids has been shown to reduce the effects of oxidative stress in skin. Red raspberry seed oil is an excellent free radical scavenger and antioxidant, and a rich source of alpha and gamma tocopherol as well as y-tocopherol, along with carotenoides (Vitamin A). According to the Oomah study, with a protection factor equal to titanium dioxide and a potential SPF between 28 – 50.

If that wasn’t good enough, along comes the Chaga Mushroom and as we are being constantly exposed to free radicals from pollution and environmental toxins, antioxidants are of vital importance in our world. Antioxidants help reduce the workload of the immune system as well as the aging process.Chaga works to prevent cellular damage before it happens. Chaga delivers one of the highest levels of antioxidants that increases nutrients while repelling environmental aggressors and free radicals that negatively impact the skin.

The Chaga Mushroom on a White Birch

Then we double down with Unroasted argan oil, which has been traditionally used as a treatment for skin diseases and is advocated as moisturizing oil, against flaking of the skin as well as moisturizing. This oil also has medicinal uses against rheumatism and the healing of burns as well as in the treatment of wrinkled or scaly dry skin.

Last but not least is our old friend Virgin Hemp Seed Oil. Hemp seed oil replenishes our Essential Fatty Acids, which helps our skin hold moisture, making it an all natural humectants. The effectiveness of our epidermis function is what determines the moisture level of our skin, thus the health, softness and smoothness. Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’S) specifically Omega 6, Omega 3 and Omega 9 preserve this barrier.  Hemp seed oil prevents moisture loss on a physiological level; it does just not merely “coat” the skin as do other oils. It contains the ideal ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 based on our cells needs. Hemp so closely matches our own skins lipids it is able to penetrate inside our cells and lubricate the surface between them, thus bringing the EFA’s within our body. For this reason, EFA’s have been proven to play a preventative role in skin aging and a healthy moisture balance.

When using Chaga-Berry, apply in the morning before applying makeup,  smooth a small amount of cream over clean, toned face and throat, using gentle, upward strokes.  A little bit goes a long way!

For best results, just apply three dots on the forehead, two on each check, two on the chin and four on the neck.

Chaga-Berry is in the tradition of the RAD Soap way, creating a product that is affordable for everyone and delivering the results our great customers expect.